Even Page – Insert a section break and start a new section on an even-numbered page. This is typically used when jumping from a single column page to a 2-3 column page. Use this when you want to create a different Header/Footer on each page Continuous – Insert a continuous break when you want to start a new section on the same page. Yep, that’s all, those two things can make or break your entire document.
There are 2 tools that make or break your Headers and Footers can you guess what they are? I’ll tell you, they are the type of Page Break you use and the button, L ink to Previous. His response, and I quote “Thanks, now you’re making me look incompetent!” I thought it was quite funny, I knew something he didn’t, but then again, while he was punching numbers and selling ERP, I was learning the ins and outs of Headers and Footers. “ Lauren, can you remove the 3 rd page? Every time I try, the footer disappears.” “ Not a problem,” I replied, “see attached…” Yes, it took me a good 30 seconds to remove the page and fix the footer. Raise your hand if you have ever had problems dealing with Headers & Footers in Microsoft Word.